Personal conversations
What was a personal conversation?
These conversations were one-on-one discussions with me, Niki.
Here is the invitation to participants: Personal conversations are intended to help you live more consistently with your deepest values and explore your contribution to collective life. I will try and act as a “reflective companion”. We can talk about the struggles you face, how your life as a whole supports or does not support your ability to contribute, and work together to figure out if, and how, you could live your values more fully. Each conversation will be scheduled for 25 or 50 minutes and will take place at a location suitable to us both or via Zoom. We can have multiple conversations if that seems right.
Was there a fee?
There was no cost for participating in one or more personal conversations.
What was the research aspect of personal conversations?
Here is the information provided to participants: I will take handwritten notes during all conversations and write reflections at the end. These will form the main dataset. I will also send you a form prior to our first conversation that asks for some information about you (e.g., your age), so I can keep a record of participants’ characteristics. You may also write down things during or in between our conversations at my suggestion or yours. With your permission, I would like to keep or photograph this material.
You will need to sign a consent form agreeing to the research element of the conversation. Even after you have signed the consent form you can still withdraw any data that relates to you, up until a specified time. All data will be de-identified so that you cannot be recognised in any research outputs. An information sheet with more details is available here.
If you would like to be informed about the research results, please sign up for updates here.